Appointments at Rio Architects | Wales Property News | Insider Media

2022-07-15 22:03:42 By : Ms. Potter Lee

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In the July issue, Insider talks to Paul Hollick,…

Rio Architects has made several appointments following new project milestones and business growth.

The team at the architecture, interiors, visualisation, masterplanning and sustainability expert has welcomed Mahdi Boughanmi and graduates Charlotte Edwards and Ross O'Leary. Together they will help provide creative, innovative and functional design to clients.

During the past few months, Rio Architects has reached several major project milestones, achieving planning permission for multiple developments. These include Central Quay in Cardiff, Bryncelynnog Comprehensive School and the Abergavenny 3-19 School.

Mahdi Boughanmi joins Rio in his role as architectural technologist. With a BArch and MSc from IUAV University of Venice, he brings with knowledge and expertise from his previous experience as a 3D Pointcloud surveyor, BIM technician and research assistant at Cardiff University, where he helped deliver the outcomes of two publications.

Recently graduated from the University of the West of England, Charlotte Edwards joins as a part II architectural assistant. She has experience with complex and historic building projects and is working on the conceptual stages of several residential projects with the Rio design team.

Ross O'Leary takes on his role as architectural technologist after graduating from Cardiff Metropolitan University with a 1st class degree and receiving the CIAT Wales Outstanding Graduate Student in Architectural Technology Award.

Laurence Kilgannon, Digital News Editor T: 0844 980 0187 E:

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